Ernesto Reyes Stalhuth, Cover Arts & Arts made for the followings:

A Day Before… – The Arrival to undesirable paths Album

Landscapes (R.I.P.) – Until His Arrival Single, Band’s first Logo, and bands members booklet.

Signals Part II – Exit To.. (Main Cover)

15 Weeks (to obliteration’s days 🙂 – First Single EP, Band’s Logo and Main cover.

Also to include, many diverse Live Photography plus video footage works, for Eighth Sin‘s album & Landscapes concert tours, Antonio’s Hiedra project & Silvestre’s Silver project, Melomaniac’s festivities & covers, among other bands related to the metal scene at Caracas, Venezuela by that time.

Many thanks to him & his friendship during all this time, without his contribution, none of this would be possible to achieve. His contribution to the General Venezuelan metal scene was a true contribution to all of us.

Thank you Ernest!

Best wishes always.

Soon all these Works to be posted.
